Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh hai, blog. Sorry, didn't see you there.

I don't want to be the kind of person who thinks to herself, and is told by strangers/friends/family, "But you look good for just having a baby." Well, for one, he's 7 months old now, and two, I don't want to settle. I have given myself a break long enough and my body craves more activity. I'm not saying it isn't hard, because it is. Heck, I barely give this blog the time and attention it deserves and all I have to do is sit on my rump and type.

As cliche as it may be, I'm going to (have started) Couch to 5K. I actually attempted it a couple years ago, got fairly far into the program, then got a nasty illness that kicked my butt for a few weeks. I ended up stopping because I felt like I had to start over and well, I just didn't want to.

This time, instead of having to write out the walking and jogging intervals on a scrap of paper and paying close attention to the clock, there is a beautiful iPhone app that I can use. I can listen to my music and it gently prompts me to run or walk. Fabulous. Of course, I'm already feeling somewhat discouraged because the very next day after completing Week 1, Day 1, I got sick. But, I'm not going to let that deter me this time. I felt so much better after that first day alone, and I think I can truly commit to three days a week. I also have a great group of gals who are going to keep me accountable, and even if I don't lose a pound, I know I'm better off for doing it.

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