Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"Friendly Fire"

As I sit here, trying to determine if I will be returning to work full-time, rather than continuing on doing 13 hours a week, I came across this article. I see tremendous value in being a working mom and being a stay at home mom, but arriving at your own decision on what to do is not always easy.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Get Into The Groove

Ack, my poor blog. It's been exactly two months since I've written. (I feel like I'm on a remote desert island writing to a loved one). I've been pretty uninspired with this blog and I know it's because I want it to have a new look, but tonight, I decided to bite the bullet and write a little bit at least.

It's hard to believe my son is over 10 months old. Right now, I'm trying to decide if we are having a birthday party, or maybe a family outing with a little bit of cake smashing, or something in between. To be honest, I feel like I deserve some kind of celebration for making it a year!

I really have come into my own with this motherhood thing. I've struggled with comparing myself to other moms, as most moms do, I'm sure, but lately, I know that I'm just the right mom for Canon, and he's just the right baby for me, and we're figuring it out together. Our days are pretty straighforward now and we've got a good routine down. We try and get out of the house at least once a day, since this little guy likes to move and crawl and climb and pull and it makes me a little batty since our house is not quite babyproofed. And by "not quite," I mean basically not at all.

Being a mom can be kind of lonely at times, and I'm trying to be better at branching out and getting together with friends and meeting new people. I have the basic cliche resolutions going on right now, like losing weight, eating better, etc. But, those things really do tend to matter more once you have a child. I realize more and more every day how I am his role model and how, even now, he is observing everything that I do.

I guess this post is kind of rambling, but I'm tired and my child is finally in bed and it's been a long, but good, day. Each new morning, he seems to have grown up a bit overnight, and I look forward to spending a new day with him. Each month that goes by, I've declared it my favorite age thus far, and I'm excited to see what the next year has in store.